Tired of watching the stack of LOP agreements in your office grow higher while your cash flow sinks lower and lower?Once considered the “Gold Standard” by which most surgeons and medical personnel treated and billed for services rendered, medical charges associated with Letters of Protection are under attack!
They have attracted the ire and scrutiny of the insurance industry and defense bar, negatively affecting your clients cases! The time has come to take back control of how and when you get paid for services rendered.

Reid HoffmanCo-founder LinkedIn
“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always be defeated!” Priority Responsible Funding makes the medical funding process QUICK & EASY! We offer immediate cash funding to:- Surgeons
- Surgical Centers
- Physicians
- Pain Management
- Hospitals
- Home Health Care
- Catastrophic Care
- Costly Medical Equipment(Motorized Wheelchairs, Paraplegic Customized Vans, etc.)
BENEFITS OF MEDICAL FUNDING IN LIEU OF LOPS:- Provides immediate funding allowing your medical practice to manage cash flow effectively!
Eliminates waiting time and risk of non-payment at the conclusion of the patient’s accident case. - Avoid painful insurance company cross examination regarding LOP charges vs Private Health/Medicare reimbursements for the same procedure!
- Patient is happy to pay significantly less for the treatment/surgical procedure than under an LOP agreement charge.
- Patient’s lawyer is not burdened with six figure plus LOP charges when trying to settle with the adjuster at mediation.
Contact Brett Findler, our company President, directly at (855) FUNDS-4-ME / (855) 386-3746 or complete our Online Intake Form and we will reach out to you promptly!